Sunday, October 7, 2018

Update - a plus and a minus I suppose

So, the other day Craig and I had one of those times happen that you just can't make up.  We were in M.F.N. Arizona, biking along an empty road talking about how we grew up watching "Road Runner" cartoons, but have never seen a road runner bird.  We talked about how big they should be, how fast they should run, did they fly, etc, when right across the road before us ran/flew a road runner bird!! 
We were both amazed!!!  It runs and glides, is about as big as a partridge, and has the same tail the "Road Runner" has.  It did not stop and chatter, and we did not see Wile E. Coyote.  We also did not have the smarts to get any pictures, but the memory is welded in.
The sad thing is that Craig has decided to leave the trip.  Not that it is for bad reasons, the roads, my lack of deodorant, no - he said he got a job offer he could not refuse.  It is certainly our loss.  He said he would sill follow the blog and post comments - good ones I hope and not true ones.
On a trip like this, the hills always are followed by canyons I suppose, but you just go on.  Good memories are the gold we find on this trip, and both the Road Runner and Craig are pieces of gold.
Paul C


  1. Congrats Craig! Sorry he has to leave so soon into the trip but it is for a good reason. I loved the roadrunner cartoon too! Just another great memory of your adventure just wish you had a go pro on your helmet then we would have seen him or her too! Beep beep!

  2. Meep meep! Those were my dad's favorite cartoons.
