Thursday, October 25, 2018

Day 25 Del Rio Texas to Uvalde Texas - sunshine!

Day 25.  We took yesterday (The 24th) off and watched it rain for most of the day.  Rain and wind was the left over from hurricane Willie, or whatever, from Mexico.  Plenty of water left over for Texas! 
Here we are getting ready to leave - cool and dry.

 The way on was nice, even with a tailwind for a while!


On the way we saw lots of left-over water - draining but still wet.



On the way we saw LOTS of butterflies - of various types - lying on the road having been hit by cars/trucks.  They were littering the side of the road the whole way and there were many fluttering around in the sky as well.  I would guess in the 70+ miles we went we saw about 2,000 to 4,000 dead on the road.  Mainly monarchs, but also this yellow type I don't identify.  Anyone know?
We also saw a different type of wing - wind generator wings.  As with the last trip, they are HUGE and LONG.  We also saw a place with about 25 of them up on a hill.  Not moving, but who knows.

Yes, it is flat but also much more wet.  Look at the grass and trees, and then go back a few days and see what that was like.  The amazing effect of water!
The ride was 73 miles with only 1,751 feet of climb.  It was pretty much a great road. Tomorrow we start into the "Hill Country" of Texas.  More pictures to follow.
On we g0!
Paul C

1 comment:

  1. The yellow butterfly is a sulphur butterfly. Ruthann Greene
