Here we are getting ready to leave - cool and dry.
The way on was nice, even with a tailwind for a while!
On the way we saw lots of left-over water - draining but still wet.
On the way we saw LOTS of butterflies - of various types - lying on the road having been hit by cars/trucks. They were littering the side of the road the whole way and there were many fluttering around in the sky as well. I would guess in the 70+ miles we went we saw about 2,000 to 4,000 dead on the road. Mainly monarchs, but also this yellow type I don't identify. Anyone know?
We also saw a different type of wing - wind generator wings. As with the last trip, they are HUGE and LONG. We also saw a place with about 25 of them up on a hill. Not moving, but who knows.Yes, it is flat but also much more wet. Look at the grass and trees, and then go back a few days and see what that was like. The amazing effect of water!
The ride was 73 miles with only 1,751 feet of climb. It was pretty much a great road. Tomorrow we start into the "Hill Country" of Texas. More pictures to follow.
On we g0!
Paul C
The yellow butterfly is a sulphur butterfly. Ruthann Greene