Monday, October 15, 2018

Tractors International

Today was a pretty windy day with a glorious tailwind at our back in the morning, switching to a mostly head-on crosswind by the afternoon.  So I guess we violated the universal law of bicycling somewhat.  That universal law being "When you're on a bike, it's always uphill and against the wind".

So to get a short respite from the wind (and cold), we ducked into a grocery store in Hatch, NM and lo and behold, they had museum-quality restored tractors.  Two outside were John Deere's.

But the coolest restoration was a 1952 Farmall Cub.  This one is almost identical to the 1951 model I got from my dad.  Serial number is only a few thousand higher than mine! 

This one was so nicely restored that I wouldn't want to use it to cut weeds, plow snow, or anything!


  1. I love the tractors especially the John Deere’s.. growing up on a farm in canyon county nothing runs like a “deere”

  2. What a find! It's always nice to find a fellow tractor friend! I bet they start them up weekly just to listen to the put put putter!
