Langtry, Texas seems to be one of those fading ghost towns where all the businesses have folded and there's nothing left but crumbling buildings and faded paint. But this little town has a sparkling museum with a colorful namesake who seems to have been a wild west character right out of "How the West was Won". Roy Bean (not to be confused with Roy Moore) seems to have been a judge who kind of wrote the laws as he went. The plaque at the museum tells it all:
Apparently court was a dual-purpose building: saloon and courthouse:
We are running pretty late this evening due to rain and flat tire problems, so I'll conclude with several images from the desert cactus garden at the museum:
Catching up. My old stomping grounds use to guide raft supported canoe trips down the lower canyons - La Linda to Dryden Crossing. Put our guests up in the Gage Hotel in Marathon. Lock you stuff up well in Del Rio.