Thursday, October 4, 2018

Hot Arid Zona

We crossed over into Arizona this morning, and as we climbed to the first saddle after the Colorado River, the vegetation changed almost immediately.  From lush, irrigated farmlands the terrain changed to rocky slopes and then at the summit Saguaro cacti, Ocotillo, and Brittlebrush. 
And it must get hot here.  Climbing up the first saddle, we must have passed a dozen burned out pits on the road shoulder. 
The vehicles appear to have pulled off onto the shoulder and burst into flames from the intense heat.  All that seems to be left are a few puddles of molten metal.  Fortunately for us, it was not too hot today.  But the charred pavement was still pretty amazing.
But at the end of the day, we're so-far doing well and enjoying the scenery, despite the heat.


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