Thursday, October 11, 2018

Big Sky Country

Today we cut across the south-eastern corner of Arizona and finished in New Mexico.  If I'd been  dropped out of an airplane blindfolded, I'd have sworn I was in Big Hole Montana.  The land stretched for miles and way off in the distance the mountains rose thousands of feet. 
As we rode across the vast pancake-like flatland, we eventually started to climb, and then I would have started to doubt my conclusion.  The canyon appeared to be opening up as the resistant rhyolite gave way to younger basalt flows, interbedded with lake deposits.  Was I in the Owyhees?

And then there were these other strange sights:  Prickly pear cactus!

 And stereotypical native Americans!

Then there were these plants that looked like a cross between a yucca plant and bear grass, which the natives say are century plants.

Followed by Saguaro Cacti!
Then finally we came to a sign that blew away the mystery - we were now in New Mexico!

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