Thursday, October 4, 2018

Hot, Dusty and A Bit Bonked

Wednesday was a glorious day and close to a century for me. As we cycled through the desert that has been made green and fertile by the diverted waters of the Colorado River, my campanions and I enjoyed a lunch break in the shade and, strategically, upwind of a dairy cattle CAFO.
 The desert blooms with neat rows of palm trees.

 And we rode through the amazing natural wind sculptures of the Algodones Dunes Wilderness Area.

 And one last shadow photo of Captain Paul and Stoker Gayle before her motor bonked.

 So today, I took a break and helped out as assistant to the SAG as I got out and walked across the border into Arizona.
We met a friendly Chinese family at the overlook at the sand dunes. Even as our President T alienates us from  the rest of the world, it doesn't mean we as individuals can't break down barriers and make peace with one another.

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