Tuesday, October 2, 2018

California - 40 years later

1 Oct 2018 - Day One - 40 years ago I moved away from California and somehow landed and planted in Idaho.  In the past few days I have been reminded about so many things that I really miss about living in California.  Too many to list and to explain.

Before I share some photos from the past few days, thanks to of my lifelong friends, Debbie and Cheryl for driving from Orange County to San Diego to visit me.  It was a great way to start off this adventure with both their well-wishes and questioning my sanity!

Okay, the road trip began at 8:05 a.m. when, after a few false starts, the bicyclists were off to Ocean Beach and to one specific location, Dog Beach.  I hope you can deduce from the photos that the dog wasn't impressed.  I am impressed that my group of riders had the stamina to climb or the term I am learning, "grind," up so many steep hills and then were content to sleep at a campground complete with armies full of ants, big red ants! (Boulder Oaks Campground)

2 Oct 2018  Day Two. Hot. Long. Beautiful weather and I am so proud of Gayle for tolerating the near 100 degree heat.  Bravo!  My big adventure was to photograph wind turbines.  These pure white structures against blue skies and white puffy clouds, simply awesome.


  1. Beautiful photos! I think the dog was impressed that he was amongst some wonderful adventurers! I feel sorry that you met the stinging ants so early in the journey. Sleep well tonight!

  2. I have been checking in everyday. I’m really enjoying hearing about your adventure so far... be safe, lori B.

  3. Hi Dana,
    Thanks for keeping us up to date with the adventurers.

    You should fill us in on what you get to do. Did you bring a bike as well?

  4. Awww that's my dog Tyler! Thanks for including him!
