Monday, October 22, 2018

Day 22 Sanderson Texas to Langtry Texas

Day 22.  Another day of rain and wind!  We did 61.5 miles and climbed 2,089 feet in the wind and fairly heavy rain.  As if that was not enough, I had a flat, and my backup tube was shot!  So, I had to stand by the road in the rain waiting to get picked up.  Lo and behold, a kind Texan, Robert, learned about the problem from the Poormans - who had slogged up the hill - and picked me up.  I went ahead to Langtry where our truck was, put on a new tire and tube (the old tire was shot too), and I did the last 15 miles to Langtry.  Appropriately, Langtry was the home of Judge Roy Bean and it seems I got punished.
The morning on the way our of Sanderson saw us observed on the way out by the security guards - buzzards.
As seems to be our luck, the wind and rain came back just as we headed out of the town.  When Dana met us for a break, you can see how she stayed dry.
We are now out of the Texas mountains - as this view down the road shows.
There are lots of "historical markers" to check out - and give us a bit of rest from the road.  This one is about the last attempt at a train robbery.
The roads along highway 90 have been clean, and we have seen bags of trash that folks have picked off the roadside.  It is nice to see that Nick, the fellow that is renovating the motel we stayed in at Sanderson - The Desert Air Motel - does his part.
As seems to be the case all the way along this trip so far, we see abandoned buildings and houses.  All with a history for sure.

Finally, while waiting for help getting a bike wheel tube that worked, I met a desert friend. Given that it was so cold it did not dance - (or even hardly move) I just snapped a picture.
So, we are looking at another day of rain and wind.  We only have about 60 miles to go, so keep the fingers crossed that there will be a few clear times!
Paul C


  1. Your caterpillar friend is a White-lined sphinx both or otherwise called a hummingbird moth. and
