Saturday, October 13, 2018

A Rest Day

We took a day off the bikes timed with a very rainy day in Lordsburg, New Mexico. We decided to check out the nearby Gila Cliff Dwellings National Park by car.  As we traversed up the twisting, winding road to the park, we were glad we had not attempted the journey on our bikes afterall! Archaeologists believe the dwellings were constructed and occupied between 1200 and 1300 AD by the early native American Mogollon tribes people. We arrived in time to take a guided tour and actually walk into the structures. Our guide, Blake, helped us imagine a time long ago when these dwellings may have been a vibrant city in the cliffs.

Ladder to the dwellings
Our cliff dwellings guide, Blake, and an enamored Gayle 

Dana and others on our tour contemplating the old city

Gayle descending a restored ladder to feel what it may have been like for the ancients to access their homes. 

A soothing soak in the Gila Hot Springs after an enchanting day!

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