Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Speaking Spanish

Today I learned something interesting about the Spanish language. Most of the local folks here in western Texas are bilingual and speak both Spanish and English. When Dana stopped and parked the truck to wait for us for a break, she was  across from a home where two small dogs lived. When we bikers arrived, the little curious dogs wanted to cross the busy road to check us out. Sweet Dana tried to discourage them, but they wouldn't listen to her. Then Paul C yelled, "Vete a Casa", and the little guys turned right around! When they tried to come back to us again, I yelled, "Vete a Casa ", (or my best try of the words) and sure enough, the little pups scampered right back home! The dogs down here speak and understand Spanish! I guess the meaning of the Spanish is something like "Go home". I will use this the next time we are chased by dogs here in Texas!

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