Saturday, October 27, 2018

It Never Rains in Western Texas?

Folks 'round here say "it never rains in Texas", but to quote the song, "it pours, man, it pours". We've had to take different routes from our Adventure Cycling maps to avoid flooded roads. Some of the gauges showed heights of 5 feet! I guess they don't build many bridges here, but a less expensive alternative is to construct these huge concrete dips with culverts to allow the flash flood waters to flow through drainages.

Flood waters flow over and under the roadways, so the roads act like the bridges.


Our photo journalist, Dana, wading out into the flood waters to get the best shot.

I hope to be back in the saddle again tomorrow after a bout with a cold and an itchy rash from running around in the Cypress marshes. On we go!

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