Monday, October 22, 2018

It is still raining in Texas

Another day in Texas! Yeah!  I should add, another rainy day in Texas.  However, as I have noted before, the hills are dotted with lush green plants and the wildflowers are blooming.  

Last night we stayed in Sanderson, TX.  The owner of the hotel is a nice young man from Austin who is determined to revitalize the town.  Paul C. and later Paul and I visited with him in his office last night, first to gain better access to the Internet, and second to discuss his plans for this motel he purchased a few months ago. Impressive. What an ambitious young man and so hospitable.  Most of the Texans we have encountered are friendly and helpful.  The cyclists have reported to me that whenever they are stopped a few drivers have also stopped to asked if they are okay.  

Getting back to my visit to Fort Davis.  I really enjoyed walking the grounds and trying to feel the presence of those soldiers who lived and worked there.  The day I visited it was rainy and cool; however, in Texas heat and the lack of our modern conveniences, such as plentiful water, etc., how did these individuals enjoy life?  The video I watched that gave an overview of the history of the fort, showed some of the activities the soldiers involved themselves in, one being baseball.   So, people were able to adapt based on the opportunities of their environment.

One of the places my late father enjoyed visiting was the Oregon Trails Museum in Baker City, Oregon.  He and I would often talk about the difficult journey these pioneers had as they left their homes and traveled to Oregon by wagon train and mostly on foot.  Every morning we have a meeting as to where to meet for lunch and if there are any services (gas stations, food, restrooms) from point A to point B.  We have the luxury of maps, the Internet and cell phones.  Yep, it is a different way to travel as compared to 150+ years ago.  As such, I have stopped complaining about my lack of hair style. No matter what I do, it curls, and curls!  So, trivial

Today, October 22, 2018, the goal is to end in Comstock, TX.  It is a long ride from Sanderson, and rain is in the forecast. More rain. More curls. More adventures.

11:52 A.M. I am parked on Cedar Road waiting for the rain riders and a border patrol officer pulls in next to me.  “Oops! I left my passport at home!”  LOL. Seriously, he wanted to know if the pick-up was disabled or if I needed any help.  Of note is that he was dragging three huge truck tires behind his pick-up.  When I asked him about it he explained that the border patrol drags the tires on the dirt roads to erase foot tracks and then look for new foot tracks.  The Mexican border is approximately 15 miles south of where I am parked.   We  discussed the proposed wall and other issues associated with immigration.  In his opinion, building a wall is ineffective because people get through the walls that are already built whither it be in, under and over the wall.   If the wall is 16 feet high, then 16-foot ladders are built.   The agent would like to see a fair policy implemented and more than anything a resolution to the economic issues in the countries where people are fleeing.  Great discussion and another example of how nice people are in Texas.. 

Again, I am sitting in the pick-up, out of the rain, waiting for the rain riders.  I admire their perseverance and stamina to dredge though this rain.  The good news is that there is very little wind.  The bad news is it is starting to rain harder and this is a sure sign that it is time to serve lunch.

9:05 p.m. it is still raining!!   While I waited for the bicyclist, I drove to our designated meeting place, Langtry, Texas and found the Judge Roy Bean Museum.   There is also a cactus garden on the grounds.  The site also had a very nice visitor’s center with multiple pamphlets promoting Texas.

Tonight we are lodging in Comstock, Tx.  I had to pick up the bikers and in Langtry and drive 30 miles to Comstock.  Tomorrow morning, I will drive them back to Langtry so they can ride the 30 miles.  Believe me, I have asked… the miles only count if there is a rider on them versus having the bikes loaded on the pick-up.! The hope is that there will be a break in the rain tomorrow. dkg

Nick, owner of the Desert Air Motel - Teaching the cyclist the "longhorn" sign.
Dryden, TX - Old building, old car and a satellite dish? 
Langtry, Texas - claim to fame, Judge Roy Bean.    Years ago Paul Newman portrayed Judge Roy Bean in a movie.  Of course, historical movies are always based on facts!???

The site also has a very well manicured cactus garden.  

Everyday of this trip has been adventure!  I am hoping that tomorrow the sun will shine.  dkg