Wednesday, November 7, 2018

NOLA -New Orleans, Lousiana

New Orleans or NOLA!  Wow! Fun! Educational! Yummy food!  Iconic music! 

The drive to New Orleans this am from Hammond, LA was a photographer’s dream and frustrating because of lack of access to the scenery.  The landscape or Louisiana has expanded my visual experience of the color “green.”  There are so many shades of green in the trees, the moss, the various tropical type plants, etc.   Simply amazing.  Despite the inability to stop along the freeway, not a good idea, I enjoyed the drive and the scenery.   

Walking through the streets of New Orleans today was fun.  The history, the people, the colors, the music, and the art, again, truly amazing.  

After walking through the French Quarter and eating lunch, (more shrimp), Paul C and I took a tour of the WWII Museum.    The museum is awesome!  The exhibits are interactive, educational, and emotional.  

Even the mops are colorful in New Orleans

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