Wednesday, November 7, 2018

City of New Orleans

"ridin' on the train they call the City of New Orleans, I'll be gone five hundred miles 'fore the day is done." Arlo Guthrie

We finally made it to New Orleans! We visited the French Quarter. We strolled through the streets, and listened to live jazz players as we sipped coffee and munched powder sugared beignets at the Café Du Mond. We savored more wonderful cajan food and darted in and out of interesting shops. Paul P. and I rode the trolley during the worst of a rainstorm to see more of the city, where we met some friendly people from St. Louis. What a diverse and fun city!

Dana, PaulC and Paul P


 At the Café Du Mond

Beautiful homes!

Julie, Ed, Jim and Bonnie on the trolley

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