Saturday, November 3, 2018

Day 34 DeRidder La., to Chicot park, La.

Day 34.  We did 81.9 miles as it was difficult to find a place to stay, but we found campsights in Chicot Park after the ride.  We only got about 857 feet of climb - not much.  The weather was a bit cold in the morning but warmed up to a nice breezy day, with some times a tailwind - great!
This is the fabulous place we stayed last night.  Very "Louisiana Oilfield" in nature, but well seasoned.  Still, any port in a storm, and for a net of 20$ a room, who's to argue.  Why am I scratching so much1?

The day was actually one of the best, nice temps, good wind pushing us along, and not too much traffic.  All in all great!  Here are some pictures of Louisiana backroads.

The rivers are going down now from the rain over the last month, but they are still above average.  Here are some more to look at.

It is so wet here, they literally put houses and such on stilts to keep them out of the water.  These are some examples.

As usual, we always find a couch out in the middle of nowhere.

Finally, we ended up in a camp that looks great - for now. 

We expect another day of pouring rain tomorrow, but will wait to see just what we get.  Keep your fingers crossed we don't get flooded!
Paul C


  1. Watch out for gators. Don't forget to try frog legs with fried okra! Yummy!

  2. Had the okra - great. No frogs yet, and have not seen gators, but then, have not been wading for them.
