Well, here we go again! Seeing the country in slow(er) motion with a self-propelled vehicle - the bicycle - has been so rewarding I/we decided to just do it yet again. This time we have a trusted Sag-waggonier to keep us on the correct road, in the correct direction, and with the correct attitude - OR ELSE!! Dana has agreed that as long as we keep her digital camera charged, and don't laugh at the places she wants to stop (like the "Chicken-Shit Bar somewhere in Texas!?) she will keep us moving. Feeding us is easy - we will eat anything - but clean is another thing. She already has some spray-DDT and toilet cleaner to use if we want to actually get in the truck.
Really, this is a choice-of-a-lifetime - number three - and we just can't pass this one up. I am certainly not getting younger, despite how I act. Look for Dana's pictures, comments, and intellectual additions to the route as we peddle our way from San Diego to San Augustine. No doubt there will be stories to be told - both as we move along and when we get back. Dana will make sure they are true!
On the Road again!
Adventure or Insanity??? I will have an answer to this question in mid-November or on the drive to San Diego from Boise on day one of this trip. I am looking forward to this experience and for the record, there is a bar in Austin, Texas, and the chickens are active participants in a BINGO game on Sunday afternoons...Dana K...